
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hey look, it fits!

So I started to have paranoia that maybe my stuff wouldn't all fit in my backpack... eek! So I pulled out my newly-made gear list and loaded it all up. Shuffled some things around, trimmed some excess stuff off my backpack to make it lighter and more spacious... lo and behold it all fits! Phew.

Castle pointed out that having the bear can on top of my pack will probably make the load top heavy. My friends My-Lien and Richard were kind enough to show me their gear stash, and I found a couple of straps that might work to lash it to the bottom of my pack instead. I'll move the tent up on top.

I'm still trying to think up a reasonable way of attaching my ice axe to my pack.

I'm getting so excited! While I was at work today I talked about my trip with a number of my regulars, and the enthusiasm has been just wonderful. Everyone is so genuinely happy and excited for me and it's a big positive feedback loop. I left work feeling so psyched!

PS. and then Jon and I raced to squeeze in five miles before sunset. It was a beautiful day today!

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